
Summer Games

Why choose Summer Games Electrolyte?

Summer Games is a unique blend of both electrolytes and trace minerals specifically formulated to replenish critical electrolytes in the proper ratios. Summer Games supports healthy electrolyte balance so horses stay hydrated, perform at optimal levels, and recover faster after exercise or in stressful situations.

Developed for the 1996 Olympic Games.

Summer Games contains a research-proven electrolyte formulation that was originally developed for the horses competing at the 1996 Olympics. Formulated using the results of extensive research studies investigating the composition of sweat, Summer Games contains both key electrolytes and trace minerals in the actual amounts that are present in the sweat.

  • Adjustable serving rates allow you to easily meet your horse’s individual electrolyte needs
  • Affordable price allows you to consistently replenish key electrolytes in appropriate ratios
  • Concentrated formula ensures your horse receives both critical electrolytes and trace minerals, not sugar and other fillers
  • Unique ingredients support optimal performance and speedy recovery during exercise or stressful situations


Serving and Storage

Important Note:

Always provide free-choice, clean water to horses receiving electrolyte supplementation. Do not offer electrolytes to a horse that cannot or is unwilling to drink without first consulting a veterinarian.

Serving instructions:

1 scoop = 1 oz of Summer Games Electrolyte

Summer Games can be used as a daily supplement. Because of its concentrated formula it is easy to adjust the level of supplementation to meet your horse’s individual needs. The amount of supplementation will depend on the level of work and the intensity of the heat and humidity the horse is working in.

Level of work Normal Environment (oz/day) Hot, Humid Environment (oz/day)
Rest 0 1
Light Work 1 1-2
Moderate Work 2 2-3
Heavy Work 3 3-4

It is recommended to divide daily doses of 3 to 4 ounces into separate feedings of no more than 2 oz each. Summer Games Electrolyte is a powder and can be added as a top-dressing on the daily grain ration.

During the cold winter months ½ to 1 oz of Summer Games can be supplemented daily to stimulate a horse’s thirst response. Proper hydration in the winter decreases the risk of impaction colic. Horses should have access to ice-free fresh water at all times when being supplemented with an electrolyte.

Below is a chart that will help you to estimate the level of exercise your horse is doing. Always take temperature and humidity levels into consideration when supplementing with an electrolyte. Horses will sweat more in hot, humid climates. When it is very dry or cold, sweat may evaporate quickly and be less noticeable.

Guidelines for determining workload level

Light Work:

Visible Sweat (up to 5 liters sweat loss)

For example: dressage, western and English pleasure, trail horses, equitation, etc.

Moderate Work:

Dripping Sweat (5-10 liters sweat loss)

For example: jumping horses, racehorses, barrel racing, cutting, roping, etc.

Heavy Work:

Dripping Sweat for Extended Periods (more than 10 liters sweat loss)

For example: upper level three-day event, western performance horses, polo ponies

Options for determining sweat loss

Electrolyte requirements can be determined by measuring sweat loss. Fluid loss can be estimated by measuring body weight loss with this simple formula: 1 kg (2.2 lb) body weight loss = 0.9 liters (approx. 1 quart) body water loss, so an 11-lb body weight loss = approximately 5 liters sweat loss (light work) = 2 oz per day of Summer Games Plus.

Weighing your horse before and after a work session can also give you some idea of how much weight or fluid loss has occurred.

Storage and shelf life:

Store Summer Games Electrolyte in a cool, dry place and keep lid tightly closed between uses.  Shelf life is 24 months from date of manufacture when stored under suitable conditions.